Terms & Conditions

1. Scope

1.1. The application of these general conditions constitutes a determining condition of the consent of “BE FOR IT”. Any order placed implies the full and unreserved acceptance of the customer to these general conditions, even in the event that these would be in contradiction with his own general conditions.

1.2. Derogation from these general terms and conditions may only be made by written agreement from “BE FOR IT”. Any derogation granted by “BE FOR IT” to these general conditions does not in any way invalidate the other clauses of these general conditions which remain applicable.

1.3. A sale only takes place after written confirmation from the seller. A start of execution is worth confirmation, unless it was done under reservations. Any cancellation of an order must be made in writing. It is only valid after written acceptance by the seller. In the event of cancellation, the buyer is liable for a lump sum compensation of 50% of the amount of the order.

2. Price

2.1. All prices are indicated in AED and are only valid for one month from the date of sending of the price offer. The prices indicated are exclusive of VAT.

2.2. The price offer is made on the basis of the information provided by the customer. In the event of any modification(s) of the desired service, the price of the service may be adjusted according to new requests from the customer or changes requested by him.

2.4. Any delay in payment of more than 15 calendar days will result in an increase, automatically and without prior notice, of 12% per month plus a fixed compensation of 15% with a minimum of AED 150.

3. Creation of a website

3.1. The website will be designed base on the actual theme and layout possibilities. Up to 3 modifications are included during the creation/review process.

3.2. There will be no interruption of the actual website while working on the new one.

3.3. Designed pictures / Logo must be provided by the client. If some requires graphic design, it will be at an extra cost to be determined based on the required work to be done. 30 Days of support included (bug, assistance in website utilisation) after the day of publication.

3.4. If any additional modifications are requested by the client, we will ensure to issue a new quotation for approval before making any amendments.

3.5. All pictures used on the website that have been obtained free of any cost to « BE FOR IT » become solely the responsibility of the client once pictures have been client validated and the website completely handed over. In no case will « BE FOR IT » be liable for any copyrighting issues that may arise once final handover has been done.

3.6. The cost of the hosting, domain name are not included in this quotation as it can vary on the size/volume and domain name extension. The cost of the theme and any plugin (Such as translation plugin) is not included in this quotation. Estimated delivery date will be discussed with the client accordingly.

3.7. Terms of payment: 50% Deposit in order to start the development. The remaining 50% must be paid prior the handover of the website/product. Full access to the website / Hosting will be given upon settlement of the invoice. The website will be “online” upon settlement of the final invoice.

3.8. REMINDER : what can be modified : – the position of the blocks – all images – colors – the texts – the logo – menu links – the links of the footer what cannot be changed: – the position of the menu / logo It is important to choose the right theme for the overall design

4. Search Engine Optimization « SEO »

4.1. All SEO contracts are for the first 6 months renewable per month after the 6 months initial period (monthly payment accepted)

4.2. If the client wish to stop the SEO please notify “BE FOR IT” before the 15 of the ongoing month. This month will be chargeable and contract will stop on the 1st of next month”

4.3. Please note that Organic SEO is not Adwords (PPM = Payment per click) that is ephemeral. A professional organic SEO takes time but is much stronger at the end.

4.4. Terms of payment : Implementation package : 100% advance payment – Monthly Retainer : at the end of each month.

4.5. Seo plugin is required on wordpress at a cost of 89usd/year.

4.6. The retainer does not include a monthly report but the client can be given an access to the search console in order to monitor the ranking evolution.

4.7. SEO quotes are valid for 3 months. In order to approve the quote, please return it signed/stamped to [email protected]